Sweet Tooth is an animated short that features a peculiar doodle nicknamed Crescent the Cat. His first action, upon being drawn to life, is to devour a large jar of multicoloured candy...
When Lola moves to university, Silence is a cute, winning guest who calms her as she navigates a new daunting life. But as Silence grows, Lola’s ties to the outside world start to suffer.
"Edutainment" Visual Novel created for Cornwall Council, to encourage 10-16 year olds to use Boing Boing's "Resilience Framework" to improve their mental health!
My first foray into film-making, Commute of the Crow is a stop-motion short film featuring Mr Crowe; an anthropomorphic business bird on a mission to make it to work on time.
A Looping, stop-motion animation made to advertise the LG V20's 120-degree wide angle lens feature, as a part of their media campaign: Life is better when you play more!
Short animation project commissioned via Talenthouse for Microsoft and Currys PC World's #SoFiveYearsAgo media campaign, to encourage women to upgrade their tech.